Chewy's Nova is named after my first two dog's: Chewy and Nova.
Chewy was an Australian Shepherd Mix. He was a VERY smart dog who knew a lot of tricks. His favorite trick to do was to
get me a tissue every time I sneezed, he was so smart I could teach him 3 tricks in a five minute period and he would never
forget them. Chewy ended up having a severe aggression and had to be PTS at the young age of 9 months. We miss him terribly
and think about him everyday. Naming my shelter after him was the least I could do for this sweet boy who came in and changed
my life forever.
Nova is a Chinook mix who I adopted after I lost Chewy. She is such a wonderful dog and is also smart. She brings joy to
me every day, I just love her to pieces. Nova has been with me for a little over a year now and I can't imagine my life with
out her.